Teaching and Learning


Foldables (also known as manipulatives) are 3D graphic organisers that engage students in visual and kinaesthetic learning. Students fold, cut, write, draw and manipulate information while collecting, recording, evaluating and communicating data. They provide the opportunity for students to show their understanding and mastery of content.

Often constructed with flaps to reveal further information, they

  • help students chunk information, improve comprehension and vocabulary and promote high order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis and understanding.
  • support Dr Robert Marzano’s 9 high-yielding strategies which include identifying similarities and differences, non-linguistic representations, summarising and note taking, setting objectives and providing feedback.
  • are transferable to other subjects, topics and concepts and work especially well with literacy and numeracy.
  • can be integrated into Interactive Science Note Books.
  • present an opportunity to reinforce geometric and mathematical language and concepts while demonstrating folding techniques: rectangles, squares, triangles, half, thirds, quarters etc.