Fully Charged!

Static electricity activities are notoriously prone to the effects of weather and humidity. This program removes the associated uncertainty. The class gains a basic understanding of an area which primary schools find challenging to teach. The program has two parts. Static Electricity and Dancing Alien Robots. Students

  • use balloons and an assortment of common items (confetti, etc.) to explore the mysterious nature of electric charge.
  • are introduced to the properties of static electricity.
  • use their previous and new understanding to explain how a Van De Graff generator wand can make a Mylar fly.
  • build a simple circuit which includes an electric motor. They use this as the heart of their own dancing alien robot.

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1 class per session (9:30am-12pm or 12pm-2:30pm)


2 classes per day, may only  be booked  and paired with the Expedition to the M.A.R.S. Base Program   for a full day ,9:30am-2:30pm . (See MORE INFORMATION)

$12 per student (plus GST);

Victorian Government Schools

$17 per student (plus GST);

Non- Government Schools


for full day teamed with

Expedition to the M.A.R.S. Base Program

$22 per student (plus GST)

Victorian Government Schools

$27 per student (plus GST)

Non-Government School

Please ask whether your school is eligible for a subsidy.

*Interstate ,International and Homeschooled  students P.O.A. (Price on Application)

Years 5 and 6.

This program works well in conjunction with Expedition to the M.A.R.S. Base.

Preparing for your visit, essential information.