Rock & Mineral ID

Hands-on geology demonstrating the differences between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and between rocks, minerals and crystals. VSSEC educators bring all necessary materials to your school. Students

  • break rocks to help them identify the different types.
  • use mind maps to identify their samples of rocks and use scratch tests, acid tests and visual tests to identify their crystals.
  • may keep any minerals or crystals they break out of the rocks.
  • Available to Victorian Government Schools only

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Available to Victorian Government Schools only

Duration: 90 min,  per class


Available to Victorian Government Schools only :

P.O.A Price on Application

Please ask whether your school is eligible for a subsidy


Years 8

VSSEC educators visit your school with the equipment required for this activity.

It is desirable, though not essential, that students explore a VSSEC website which has useful background information, should you wish to show your students,, What’s the difference between a rock and a mineral? 

The website we use for the Rock & Mineral Identification Data Base is here